" I had the pleasure to work with Fatou during one year in a Swedish project in Burkina Faso and my honest word about Fatou is that she is a very delightful person, she is a translator and interpreter of high class, she has high linguistic skills and good cultural understanding. "
Birgitta Edberg, Process owner, Statistika Centralbyran
" During my two years period working at the Statistical Office in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso I learned to know Fatou. She was in charge of translating/interpreting in the project between Burkina Faso and Sweden. I organized and taught both IT and subject matter trainings concerning Business Register. My working language was English and my counterparts French. Fatou made it possible for us to understand each other. Her skill to translate and directly understand what I was saying, sometimes in very technical words, was impressive. She was a key-person during these trainings. "
Peter Thoren, Statistical Business Register Expert, Statistika Centralbyran
" Mrs Fatou SENE-MORO worked within the Statistical Cooperation Project between the Institute of Statistics and Demography in Burkina Faso and Statistics Sweden.
As Interpreter/Translator, she had the responsibility to translate project documents of both general and technical nature and issue meeting minutes; she also interpreted during short term missions in Burkina and abroad.
Mrs Fatou SENE-MORO is always well-prepared, efficient, professional, respects deadlines and works comfortably in either English or French. She has a constructive attitude, is open-minded and works harmoniously with others which represent valuable assets in both team and individual work. She brought many skills to her work for the Project and learnt quickly.
We are highly satisfied with her performance so we still use her services. "
Jean-Pierre Ntezimana, Chief advisor, INSD-SCB Cooperation project
" This is to express our sincere appreciation to you for the support you have given the Volta Basin Authority over the last three years through your efficiency in translating our documents, large and small.
Your timely deliveries helped us to organize our meetings and other events to the satisfaction of our various partners.
As you organize your outfit to serve your clients even better, we wish you all the success and look forward to more collaboration with you in the future.
Yours sincerely, "
Charles A. Biney, Executive Director, Volta Basin Authority
" Corisk International travaille à la croisée de plusieurs domaines scientifiques et techniques où les mêmes mots n'ont pas la même signification en français. Nos clients ont bien compris nos messages grâce à Tradulo qui s'est efforcé de comprendre avant de traduire. Un excellent travail, dans des délais restreints, avec un relationnel de qualité."
Pierre-Marie Sarant, Directeur de CoRisk International
" La traduction n'est pas seulement un métier pour Fatou. C'est aussi une vraie passion. Elle travaille avec rigueur et professionnalisme et y met tout son coeur pour la satisfaction du client. "
Dr. Ngoné Touré, Chef de section VIH-SIDA, Unicef
